Tulsi Plant | Holy Basil Plant Image

Tulsi Plant | Holy Basil Plant Features and Details

Plant Features

  • Have a traditional value.
  • krishna tulsi have medicinal property.
  • Atractive purple colour flowe
  • krushna tulsi purify the air.
  • Krishna Tulsi is used in treating low energy, ulcers, vomiting and diarrhea or as an overall tonic
  • The powder of the dried Krishna Tulsi root, taken in milk, ghee or as a decoction, is recommended to treat malarial fever as an analgesic application to the bites and string of insects
  • The herb improves resistance to stress and has a normalizing influence on blood pressure and blood sugar imbalances
  • Tulsi is likely to prove prophylactic against the negative effects of environmental toxins, including cancer
  • The plant is also richly endowed with bioavailable antioxidants, vitamins A and C and calcium
  • It has marked insecticidal activity against mosquitoes
  • Tulsi leaves contain a bright yellow volatile oil which is useful against insects and bacterial
  • The principal constituents of this oil are eugenol, eugenol methyl ether and carvacrol
  • The oil is reported to possess antibacterial properties and acts as an insecticide
  • Note: The following information is general guidelines, be sure to ask your healthcare provider for guidelines
  • Krishna tulsi fresh leaves Add to salads, fruit dishes, jellies, preserves and sweetbreads
  • Krishna tulsi uses in Thai cooking in stir-fries with hot peppers, chicken, pork and beef
  • The dried leaves are an ingredient of Ethiopian spice mixtures

More Information on Tulsi Plant | Holy Basil Plant

Feilds Values
Common Name Krishna, Shyama Tulsi
Maximum Reachable Height Up to 60 centimete
Flower Colour Purple.
Bloom Time year-round.
Difficulty Level Easy to grow.
Sunlight Natural bright light.
Watering Poke your finger/plain small stick into the soil to check the moisture. Water when topsoil (1-2 inches) feels dry to touch. Water thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering in winter and rainy season.
Soil Soil should be well drain and fertile, rich in organic content.
Temperature Up to 35-degree Celcius.
Fertilizer Apply any organic fertilizer.
Harvest Season The first harvest is done after 90 days of planting and subsequently, it may be harvested every 75 days interval.
References Tulsi Medicinal Uses